After 11 incredible seasons in New England, All-Pro offensive tackle Matt Light has decided to retire. He will formally announce it at a press conference in Foxborough, Mass., Monday morning at 10:30 a.m.

With Light's future on the field in doubt since the end of the season, many players and coaches have been asked to describe what playing with or against Light is like. And while it has been tough to draw comments out of big names in New England on Light's situation lately, many have offered great compliments on the five-time Pro Bowler over the years. Brady's words carry obvious weight.
"He has been a staple for this team in a lot of huge wins. He is a very dependable, consistent, tough, disciplined player," Brady told the Maine-based Sun Journal newspaper in the days leading up to this year's Super Bowl. "I think he has a ton of real strong points. That left tackle position is so important to the passing game to protect the backside of the quarterback and there's nobody I'd rather have back there than Matt."
Most players and coaches describe Light's work ethic as not just outstanding, but also contagious.
And the former second-round draft pick out of Purdue is hardly done working his butt off. As discussed in Peter King's "Monday Morning Quarterback" column on the same morning Light would eventually announce his formal exit from the NFL, Light's career as a football player may be over, but his next thing is already thriving.
Light won't call it a business venture or even consider what he's doing "work." He admittedly realizes he's not just blessed to have played football so successfully for so long, but he considers himself lucky to be able to end that chapter of his life and move on to something new that he loves and is satisfying in a similar way.
It's the Matt Light Foundation, an organization Light formed near his hometown in Ohio for troubled youths to spend part of their summer in a rural setting, away from the places ad things that may make it easier to make these teens "at risk."
"The day after the Super Bowl, I headed back to my home in Ohio to begin clearing the land for the turf field (weare building)," Light wrote in King's column. "In the last three months we have completed the turf field, finished all the construction on the timber frame, and now we are near completion on the restroom facility. We held our fourth-annual youth turkey hunt at Chenoweth Trails, our outdoor camp, one of the events we run through the year for kids from around the country. It's truly incredible to watch a team of people, all donating their time, work together to create opportunities for kids. The work we've done will certainly outlast anything I could ever accomplish on the field."
And, while he is obviously proud of what he has been able to accomplish with the Patriots, he's just as proud of what he has the opportunity to do after football.
"I'm sure I will miss a lot of what's been my life as a lineman, (but) the things that have always been the most important to me will still be," Light continued. "I love a good challenge and the art of negotiation. Problem-solving and hard work are actually fun. Being a dad is still the greatest part of my day and the friendships that were created over the past 11 seasons will forever be cherished. The game of football has taught me more about life than X's and O's. It's about patience, humility, honor, perseverance, and the Belichick way — at least to me, that's what's important to have the best chance to win, and to build a long career."
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