Vollmer spoke with reporters via conference call on Thursday about a number of issues, including his new contract, his time in free agency, his feelings on the other returning lineman for the Pats and even his injury status. (photo: Karen Cardoza, Flickr)
Like a pupil from the Crash Davis School of Interviewing, Vollmer used his clichés masterfully, telling reporters he’s “thankful” for the opportunity and that he’s “looking forward to the upcoming season.”
One that stuck in particular, particularly to ESPN’s Mike Reiss mid-interview, was how “happy” Vollmer was to be back for another go-around. Vollmer threw the phrase out six times in the early part of the interview, twice adding that he feels “really good” right now.
It wasn’t until Reiss specifically called Vollmer out on the frequency of the term that he nixed it from his repertoire.
Vollmer's certainly not the first to find a favorite phrase and stick to it, and he most definitely won't be the last.
The former Houston product signed a four-year, $17 million contract earlier this week, nearly half of which is guaranteed money. He’s started 44 games in his four years with New England.